Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Best Time of My Life

Most people would say that they love Freedom, that they treasure Peace and that they want all that Life has to offer.   The question is: What are you willing to give up for the things you say you value and yearn for. Is there really a price to pay? Would you be willing to pay the price when the time comes?  Would you volunteer to experience dying to the old to give birth to your true self; or, would you be forced to get in alignment with divine will? Would you be guided or pushed? Would you be led or driven? Is there really a difference?   

Each single moment of every day we face those choices and make those decisions.  Think of the things you do to please others that are a betrayal of yourself.  Think of the times you settle for contentment, because pursuing what you know will bring you true joy, involves taking a scary risk.  The times when you hide your true feelings, thoughts and opinions, terrified of disappointing your loved ones. You reject yourself, dreading the rejection of others.  

What if facing your worst fears was not an option anymore? What if you lost everything and everyone that now brings you comfort? If all your present relationships were lost in the blink of an eye, if the things you utilized to define and determine your value, suddenly  vanished. 

I can tell you that the pain you will experience will kill you, but not as quickly as you would desire.  You will surely die, but it will, in no way, be the end. You will realize that pain is not the worst thing that could have happened to you, that your brokenness is opening you up to what you always dreamed of and that the best is now yet to come.  One day, you realize you are not the same person, you are not so easily scared or intimidated.  You know your value, your worth, regardless of the opinion of others. You are having the time of your life.  You still remember you paid a price, but what you feel here and now is priceless!

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